曹成茂,1964年9月出生,男,博士,教授、博士生导师,教育部高等学校农业工程类专业教学指导委员会委员,现担任安徽农业大学工学院院长,兼任农业部南方农业装备科学观测实验站站长、安徽省学科和学术带头人、安徽省农机装备应用产业技术体系首席专家、安徽省农业工程学会理事长和安徽省农机协会副会长。荣获安徽省教学名师荣誉称号。主持多项省部级教学研究项目建设,获教学成果奖8项;主持包括国家自然资金面上项目等省部级科研项目10项。近年来在各类学术期刊发表相关学术论文80余篇,其中EI收录20余篇;获省级科技成果12项,安徽省科学技术进步二等奖1项、安徽省科学技术进步三等奖2项,国家专利40多项,其中授权发明专利12项。《International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering(IJABE)》、《农机化研究》、《包装工程》等编委。
1.曹成茂,夏萍,朱张青.无线数据传输在节水灌溉自动控制中的应用.农业工程学报. Vol21,2005(4)P127-130, EI收录:05229137695
2.曹成茂,张河.基于计转数定距小口径炮空炸引信设计研究.弹道学报. Vol16,2004(4). P82-86. EI收录:05068829779
3.Cao ChengmaoZhang He. Design of Minitype Remote Control System and Data Testing. Proceedings of the 6th international symposium on test and measurement, Dalian,China .2005.6(ISTP收录)(第六届国际测试技术年会论文集:ISBN7-5062—7445-0)
4. Cao ChengmaoLi Yujie. Design of Intelligent Measuring Force Apparatus and How to Improve Its Accuracy. Proceedings of the 7th international symposium on test and measurement, Beijing,China.2007.8. (第七届国际测试技术年会论文集:ISBN 978-988—99684-3-4)(ISTP已收录)
5.Cao Chengmao, Sun Si, Ding Ran, Li Bing, Wang Shuo. Experimental study on mechanical characteristics of nut rupturing under impact loading,International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering(IJABE),Vol 10 2017 No.1,PP53-60
7. Cao Chengmao, Liu Quan. Realtime Temperature Monitoring System for High Voltage Switchgear Based on Infrared Wireless Transmission. The 2nd International Conference on Information Science and Engineering. December4-6,2010 in Hangzhou,China
8. CAO Chengmao, ZHU Dequan, JIANG Jiawu, LI Bin, JIANG Qing . Design and Research of Shell-breaking Machine for Hand-stripping Hickory-nut .2010 Sino-US International Workshop on Intelligent Equipment for Precision Agriculture and Airborne Remote Sensing and Measurement for Agriculture College Station, Texas, USA.